Getting Started
The first step is to schedule an introductory session. The introductory session is a power point presentation that can be done in person or long distance via Skype. This will give you the very basics of how to chart using the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and how NaProTECHNOLOGY can work for you. Once you have completed the introductory session and scheduled your first appointment you will receive your charting materials. The first follow up appointment is two weeks after the introductory session. The follow ups are essential to learning and help you to quickly gain confidence in the Creighton Model System. There are eight follow ups spread out over the first year.
FeesIntroductory Session: $30
Charting Materials: $35 Follow Up Sessions: $60 Fees are due upon completion of appointment and may be paid via check or PayPal. |
Contact a PractitionerContact Carrie Huebner, MPT, CFCP for more information or to schedule an appointment at 678-908-4160 or [email protected]
NaProTECHNOLOGYTo schedule an appointment with a NaProTECHNOLOGY trained physician you will need to have two months of charting first. The chart is an essential tool to their diagnosing and treating your dysfunction. There are many physicians who are able to treat long distance and can assist you no matter where you live.